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NUNCHUKKA SUPERFLY is a band that has Mike Patton, Jello Biafra, The Melvins and members of Helmet and AMEN as card carrying members of their fan club. In fact their second CD “There are no accidents…just fuckwits” was described by one John Stanier (The Mark of Cain, Helmet, Tomahawk) as “The greatest album ever- period”.
What do they sound like?
Hoo-boy. Let me describe what they do not sound like: everything else!
Thats right- this is a band that is ideologically and musically far left of the centre when compared to what else is out there. Try these for influences: Dub. Experimental. Free-jazz. Noise. Metal. Psychedelia. Punk. And usually that’s just in one song!
NUNCHUKKA SUPERFLY is a band that has Mike Patton, Jello Biafra, The Melvins and members of Helmet and AMEN as card carrying members of their fan club. In fact their second CD “There are no accidents…just fuckwits” was described by one John Stanier (The Mark of Cain, Helmet, Tomahawk) as “The greatest album ever- period”.

What do they sound like?

Hoo-boy. Let me describe what they do not sound like: everything else!

Thats right- this is a band that is ideologically and musically far left of the centre when compared to what else is out there. Try these for influences: Dub. Experimental. Free-jazz. Noise. Metal. Psychedelia. Punk. And usually that’s just in one song!

SKU: ALB1200


NUNCHUKKA SUPERFLY is a band that has Mike Patton, Jello Biafra, The Melvins and members of Helmet and AMEN as card carrying members of their fan club. In fact their second CD “There are no accidents…just fuckwits” was described by one John Stanier (The Mark of Cain, Helmet, Tomahawk) as “The greatest album ever- period”.
What do they sound like?
Hoo-boy. Let me describe what they do not sound like: everything else!
Thats right- this is a band that is ideologically and musically far left of the centre when compared to what else is out there. Try these for influences: Dub. Experimental. Free-jazz. Noise. Metal. Psychedelia. Punk. And usually that’s just in one song!